Migration of Mobility business customers to FINN Bedriftssenter

We are excited to announce that we will be migrating our joined customers from the FINN Admin system to the new FINN Business Center as part of our ongoing commitment to provide our customers with the best possible experience. This will happen from october and run until end of the year.

What You Need to Know:

We continuously make improvements to FINN. The biggest focus is to enable a good and improved customer experience for both you (the integrated external systems), pro customers and end customers. Good data quality is a prerequisite for increased ad visibility.

Where We Need Your Support:

Update according to our new DTD versions with updated validation rules to facilitate for the customers to input the ad data required.

Support and Assistance:

We understand that this will require work from your end, if you need assistance along the way we are here to help - contact details: import@finn.no 



Terms of service 

All companies who setup an integration with FINN.no also automatically agrees to the terms of service FINN.no has. 

The terms of service can be found (and downloaded/read) as attachments from the links below.

Both in Norwegian and English. 

Vilkår for integrasjon og overføring av annonsedata til FINN.no

Terms of service - classified ads data feed



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